
Travel Safety Tips for Cruises

Obvious cruise safety precautions, such as understanding the emergency drills and being mindful on the deck while at sea, will be at the forefront of people’s minds when joining a cruise.

You should consider other, more basic precautions to avoid becoming a victim of crime on your cruise vacation, both onboard and in port.

Consider Personal Safety in Your Cabin

Don’t open your door to strangers. Use the peephole to check who is there and always protect your cabin key and cabin number.

For safety’s sake, check your balcony before going to sleep and keep the door locked at night. Never leave the balcony door open when you are not in your room.

Remember Your Balcony

Drink Alcohol Responsibly

Alcohol is a significant contributing factor to personal safety incidents on cruises. Cruises and booze tend to go hand in hand, but you need to keep it in check.

Make a point of introducing yourself to your steward and getting to know them by name. They will notice if something is not right or if someone strange is hanging about your room.

Build a Rapport With Your Steward

Never keep all your cash, credit cards, or other valuables in one place. Always spread it out, leaving some in your safe and as little as possible on your person.

Cruise Tip

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