Top Parks in the World for a Green Urban Escape

Some of the world’s most famous and frantic cities lay claim to some of the best parks in the world.

More than just city parks; urban spaces where you can take a break to reconnect with nature or simply find some quiet time away from the crowds.

Lumpini Park, Bangkok

It is popular with morning and evening joggers and has some excellent facilities, including a library, gym, and swimming pool.

High Line, New York

The Highline is a fantastic reimagining and repurposing of public space in an overpopulated city. The High Line has proven to be an inspiration to architects all around the world.

Hampstead Heath, London

Covering over 800 acres, The Heath is known for its rambling topography and is popular with joggers, dog walkers, and those looking for something a little more energetic.

Stanley Park, Vancouver

For thousands of years, the area was used by the indigenous people. After colonisation, the park became home to non-indigenous settlers thanks to the abundant resources of the site.

Tiergarten, Berlin

The extensive ground is ideal for bike riding, picnics, and walking, and there are plenty of statues where you can learn a little about the history of Germany.

Park Güell – Barcelona

It is a fantastic urban leisure area and one of Spain’s most popular tourist attractions. Designed by the famed architect Antonio Gaudi, the park emanates his distinct style.

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