Discover Malaysian Borneo

The first intrepid explorers to venture into the jungles of Borneo told tales of exotic animals and plant life, headhunting tribes and witch doctors.

It is the same romance of exploration and adventure that still draws people to this exotic island.

Bako National Park

At just under 3,000 hectares, it is also one of the most interesting. A pristine landscape of coastlines and rainforests, it boasts almost every type of vegetation found in Borneo.

Trekking in Bako National Park

Treks cover secluded beaches, jungle streams, dense rainforests, waterfalls, and loads of wildlife. The treks range from short, easy-day walks to full, overnight jungle treks.

Staying in Bako National Park

There is a small amount of basic accommodation for overnight stays within the park, but daily numbers are limited, so plan ahead.

Wildlife in Bako National Park

The Proboscis Monkey is a species unique to the island of Borneo, and there is no better place to view them up close in their natural habitat than Bako.

Fascinating Fauna of Bako National Park

The mangrove systems around Bako National Park are home to a myriad of wildlife and fauna.

See Orangutans in the Wild Semengoh Wildlife Reserve

The reserve was established in 1975 to care for injured or orphaned wild animals and orangutans illegally kept as pets.

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